Obstacle & Progress: The Publisher's Struggle
Usually this is the final date at which an issue goes out. I am presently printing the fall issue. I am running behind due to technical and economic difficulties as our printer seems to be demanding parts . . . Also, your editor is having time issues between working his inane low wage job and the family demands of a terminally ill mother. As for those who wonder when their poem will appear, I have to point out that even being as picky as possible and adding pages to the journal, I have enough poetry left over to do 2 more issues. More will no doubt arrive before the next issue. If we only got half as much support as we get poetry we could either publish more often or publish a larger mag but this is a truly working class project that operates on less than a shoestring of a budget and is accruing debt in order to get out the best writing of our working class. If you think that is as important as we do, consider pitching in a few bucks.
I hope to have the new issue out before the new year. Thanks for your patience and your support.
I hope to have the new issue out before the new year. Thanks for your patience and your support.