Sunday, September 29, 2024

Gratitude and Getting the Word Out

Gratitude to poet George Fish for his comments on the Blue Collar Review in a recent interview on The Real News. Also, as I've been informed by a contact in China who puts together collections of poetry from our journal translated into Chinese, a new book by Nicholas Coles and Paul Lauter entitled, "A History of American Working Class Literature" opens with an intro by Stephen Kolter citing the influence of our journal.

Writing and being published are accomplishments that give us a sense of identity and worth but what is most important to all of us who write is getting our words read. What is most important to us as a journal is outreach. We wouldn't work so hard to do this just to preach to the choir. Our goal has always been to revive Proletarian literature, to inspire and open the eyes of new readers, and to build a class conscious culture of solidarity in the strugge for a better world in which corporate dominence is replaced by participatory, truly democractic working class rule. As such we are immensly greatful for those who contribute, who support us, and for those who promote our project and increase our outreach.


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